“An Intranet was a long time Firm goal, but we needed a great-looking, packaged solution we could implement quickly, that would be easy enough to maintain. Legal101 offered us all this, at a much more attractive price than the other solutions I considered, and KLST has been a phenomenal partner for us throughout”

Erica Greathouse | Ex. Chief Technology Officer

A modern Law Firm Intranet built specifically for Law Firms!

The need for a robust, intelligent, and user-friendly intranet solution is more critical than ever. Law firms require a platform that not only streamlines their operations but also fosters collaboration, enhances communication, and provides quick access to essential information. This is where Legal101, a cutting-edge SharePoint Online Intranet portal powered by Azure OpenAI 4o, steps in.

Legal101 is a Modern ‘Intelligent’ SharePoint Online Intranet portal built for Law Firms, powered by Azure OpenAI 4o!

Legal101 is designed with the unique needs of law firms in mind, offering a suite of features that leverage advanced artificial intelligence to deliver an unparalleled intranet experience. From intelligent data surfacing to comprehensive directories and financial dashboards, Legal101 is the ultimate tool for modern law firms seeking to optimize their internal workflows and improve overall efficiency.

Legal101 Highlights

Legal Services Assistant
Firm Directory
Read News Page
Guided Search 2.0 powered by GenAI
Financial Dashboard for Attorneys
The benefits of deploying Legal101 Intranet Software!
Legal101 Webparts provide a suite of tools and features designed to enhance communication, collaboration, and productivity within law firms. Each webpart offers specific functionalities to address various aspects of the firm's operations, ensuring a comprehensive and integrated intranet experience.
Modernize your Firm Intranet with Legal101!
Legal Services Assistant
  • Surface intelligent data from any line of business platform directly onto your intranet.
  • Enhances workflow efficiency and decision-making. Provides seamless access to client information, case details, and internal resources.
Alert Center
Alert Center webpart is designed to provide a centralized location for displaying critical alerts and notifications to firm employees. It ensures that important information is communicated promptly and effectively across the organization.
All Pages Guided Search
All Pages Guided Search feature is designed to provide universal access to guided search across your intranet. This powerful tool ensures that users can quickly and easily find the information they need, no matter where they are within the intranet, enhancing productivity and streamlining workflows.
Guided Search
Guided Search Bar
The Guided Search Bar offers an intuitive search experience with universal access across your intranet. As users type in their search queries, the bar dynamically updates to provide real-time, relevant results, making information retrieval faster and more efficient.
Client Lookup - Guided Search
The Client Lookup feature in Guided Search allows users to find client information effortlessly. By typing in relevant keywords, users receive an automatically updated list of clients, ensuring quick access to crucial client data and improving overall efficiency in client management.
Continue Searching - Guided Search
With the Continue Searching option, users can seamlessly choose different search destinations within the intranet. This feature offers flexibility, allowing users to pivot their search focus without interruption, maintaining a smooth and efficient search process.
Intranet Results - Guided Search
The Intranet Results feature provides instant access to internal information based on user-entered keywords. As users type, the search results are continuously updated, displaying relevant intranet content to facilitate information retrieval and support internal collaboration.
Matter Lookup - Guided Search
The Matter Lookup tool simplifies matter management by allowing users to quickly locate matters based on their keywords. This feature provides a continuously updated list of relevant matters, ensuring efficient handling and management of cases.
People Directory - Guided Search
The People Directory feature offers key information about internal contacts based on user-entered keywords. The tool updates dynamically as users' type, ensuring quick access to essential contact details and fostering better internal communication and collaboration.
All Pages Header and Footer
Header Footer
Associate Availability Metrics
  • Real-time tracking of associates' availability. This improves resource allocation and project planning by providing up-to-date availability information.
  • Functionality: Availability status, workload indicators, and integration with scheduling tools.
CLE Credits
A dedicated component that shows the current user's Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credit status, helping legal professionals track and manage their required educational credits efficiently.
Firm Org Chart
An interactive pop-up feature displaying the firm's organizational structure, allowing employees to understand the hierarchy, reporting relationships, and departmental organization within the firm.
Site Header Customizations
A customizable header providing universal access to site navigation. All navigation data items are stored in the SharePoint native navigation configuration, ensuring seamless and efficient navigation across the intranet.
SharePoint Site Header
The Azure Suite Bar integrated into the header of all Azure applications, providing consistent and streamlined access to essential tools and resources across the SharePoint environment.
Urgent Announcements Banner
A banner notification system designed to display urgent information of interest to all firm employees, such as IT outages or office closures due to weather, ensuring timely and effective communication.
Read Experience Icon
An icon link that allows all users to easily access the firm's Read page experience, promoting easy navigation and access to important reading materials and resources.
Firm Footer
A universal footer that provides access to useful links, feedback, and help resources for the intranet, enhancing user experience and ensuring that employees can quickly find and access the support they need.
Modernize your Firm Intranet with Legal101!
Advanced Search - People, Client and Matter with Refiners
Sophisticated search functionality for finding specific people, clients, and matters and streamlines the search process, making it easier to locate specific information quickly. Functionality: Search filters and refiners to narrow down results based on criteria like department, case type, or client status.
Advanced Search
Client Search - Advanced Search
Provides advanced search capabilities for finding client information. Includes refiners and specific filters to narrow down results and efficiently locate relevant client data.
Matter Search - Advanced Search
Offers advanced search functionality for matters, featuring refiners and specific filters to help users find and access detailed matter information quickly and accurately.
People Search - Advanced Search
Enables advanced search for locating people within the organization. Includes refiners and specific filters to refine search results and efficiently find key contacts and internal resources.
Client page
Displays essential information about the target client, including key identifiers and quick access links for immediate reference.
Client Page
Client Page Header
Displays essential information about the target client, including key identifiers and quick access links for immediate reference.
Client Information Container
Provides detailed contact information and relevant details about key client representatives, ensuring easy access to important client interactions and data.
Client Relationship Partner
Highlights the Client Relationship Partner assigned to the client, including contact details and their role in managing the client relationship.
Client Details
Offers a comprehensive view of all pertinent information related to the client, including case history, legal matters, and other crucial data relevant to ongoing legal services.
Client Key Financial Metrics Container
Displays key financial metrics related to the client, including financial performance indicators and essential data points. Accessible to designated personas with permissions, this container provides a comprehensive view of the client's financial status.
KPI - Billing Rolling 12
Displays key performance indicators related to billing over the past 12 months, offering insights into billing trends and performance metrics.
Shows accounts receivables categorized by the billing attorney, helping track overdue payments and manage accounts efficiently.
Top Matters
Lists the top matters worked on by an attorney for a specific client, providing a summary of major cases and their significance.
Client Overview
Provides a comprehensive list of matters, invoices, and other relevant information for the target client, giving a full view of client-related activities.
Lawyers by Time Worked
Displays a list of matters along with associated timekeeper details for the target client, detailing the time spent by lawyers on various matters.
Billing Rates
Shows billing and staff rates, including details on the costs associated with different services and personnel.
Home Page
Legal101 Home Page
Hero News Banner
  • A prominently displayed section on the intranet homepage featuring the most important and latest news. This banner keeps employees informed and engaged with the most crucial information at a glance.
  • Functionality: Rotating banners highlighting key announcements, firm achievements, major events, and important updates.
Associate Availability List
Shows which associates are currently available, along with their skills and expertise. This list helps users quickly identify and allocate associates based on their availability and qualifications.
Financial Dashboard for Attorneys
  • An interactive dashboard displaying financial metrics relevant to attorneys. This dashboard provides attorneys with real-time financial data, aiding in decision-making and performance tracking.
  • Functionality: Customizable views for billing, working hours, practice group performance, and executive summaries.
KPI Bills Rendered & Cash Receipts
Provides a graphical representation of the amount billed and cash collected for the firm or practice group to which the current user belongs, offering insights into financial performance and cash flow.
KPI Missing Time
Displays a calendar highlighting days where the current user has missing or underreported time entries, helping to track and manage time reporting more effectively.
Time Entry for Group
Lists the time entry statuses for members of the practice group led by the current user, providing an overview of time tracking and entry compliance within the group.
Offers a graphical view of aged Work In Progress (WIP) for the firm or practice group to which the current user belongs, aiding in the monitoring and management of outstanding work and its aging status.
Links and Resources page
The Links and Resources Page webpart is designed to centralize and organize access to various important links and resources within the intranet. It serves as a hub for users to quickly find and utilize essential tools, documents, and external resources relevant to their work.
Legal101 Links & Resources
Favorite Links
  • Personalized list of frequently accessed links which saves time and improves efficiency by allowing users to easily navigate to their most-used resources.
  • Functionality: Users can save and organize their most used links for quick access.
Featured Resources
The Featured Resources webpart is a dedicated panel designed to provide easy and immediate access to key firm resources. It highlights essential tools, documents, and information that are crucial for employees' day-to-day operations, ensuring that these resources are readily available for efficient workflow and productivity.
Matter page
The Matter Page is a dedicated section within the intranet designed to provide comprehensive information and management tools related to specific legal matters. It serves as a central hub where users can access all relevant details and resources associated with a particular case or matter.
Matter Page
Matter Page Header
Displays essential information about the target matter, including key identifiers, status, important dates, and a brief description. Provides quick access to relevant documents and related contacts.
Matter Client Contact
Provides contact details for the key client representative associated with the matter, including name, position, email, and phone number, facilitating direct communication.
The Matter Key Contacts & Information
This Container enhances matter management by providing a well-organized, accessible, and comprehensive repository of contact details and key information, ensuring smooth and effective handling of legal matters.
Matter Information
Displays detailed information related to the target matter, including case specifics, important dates, and associated documents. Provides a comprehensive overview to support effective matter management.
Matter Key Financial Metrics Container
Shows key performance indicators (KPIs) relevant to the target matter, such as billing, expenses, and financial status. Helps monitor and manage the financial aspects of the matter effectively.
KPI Realization
Displays the Realization Percentage for the matter, indicating the proportion of billed time that is actually realized or collected. Helps track the financial efficiency and profitability of the matter.
Office Page
Displays essential information and resources related to the target office, including visitor guides, local area details, office facilities, and relevant local amenities. It provides users with all necessary information for effective navigation and use of the office space.
Office Page
Visitor & Area Guides
Provides essential information for visitors, including office layout, key areas, and important guidelines for navigating the target office. Helps ensure a smooth visit and effective use of office facilities.
Local Information
Offers additional details about the local area surrounding the target office, such as nearby services, transportation options, and local amenities. Assists users and visitors in navigating and utilizing the local environment effectively.
Real-time weather updates for relevant locations. This provides employees with up-to-date weather information, useful for planning travel and events. Functionality: Weather forecasts, alerts, and customizable location settings.
Practice Group Page
  • Dedicated pages for each practice group within the firm.
  • Functionality: Group overview, members, recent activities, and relevant resources.
  • Benefits: Encourages collaboration and knowledge sharing within practice groups.
Practice Group Page
Practice Group Page Header
Displays the title of the Practice Group, accompanied by a picture that reflects the group's mission. Includes information about the group's leadership, offering context and enhancing the group's profile on the intranet.
Admin Department Group
Centralizes information and resources related to the Admin Department. It includes key elements such as department-specific images, details of firm affiliations, current job openings, and descriptions of services offered. This group provides a comprehensive view of the Admin Department's role, mission, and opportunities within the legal firm.
Admin Department Page
Admin Department Page Header
Displays the title of the Admin Department group with a picture that represents the group's mission. Provides additional navigation options specific to the page and group.
Lists details about the Firm's affiliations, including partnerships, memberships, and external associations.
Department-specific Image Area
Allows admins to upload and display an image specific to their Admin Department, personalizing the page and enhancing its visual appeal.
Open Positions
Shows current job opportunities within the Firm, highlighting available roles and positions in the Admin Department.
Provides information on the services offered by the Admin Department, including descriptions of key functions and support available.
Reusable components
Legal101 Reusable WebParts
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Displays news articles and updates related to diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives within the firm, promoting awareness and engagement on these important topics.
Events - Large
A prominent component showcasing a list of upcoming firm-wide events. Allows users to view detailed information about significant events across the organization.
Events - Small
Highlights upcoming events specific to individual offices or practice pages. Provides a more localized view of events relevant to particular areas or teams.
Ethical Walls
Shows details of ethical walls for the target, sourced from the inTapp Wall Builder via API. Helps manage and visualize restrictions and boundaries within the firm.
How Do I?
Offers a list of links to frequently asked questions and informational resources related to common queries, aiding users in finding answers quickly.
KPI Fiscal Year Hours Worked
Displays hours worked and billed by attorneys for the fiscal year. Provides insights into productivity and billing efficiency.
Industry and Client News
Features news items related to the industry and clients, keeping users informed about relevant developments and updates.
Leadership Corner
A dedicated space on the Home page for leadership to post brief, impactful messages to the entire firm, fostering communication from top management.
Learning Opportunities
Lists current learning and development opportunities available throughout the firm, including training programs, workshops, and educational resources.
News, Announcements & Community Involvement
Displays firm news, important announcements, and information about community involvement, keeping employees updated on internal and external activities.
Pro Bono Opportunities
Provides information on client and matter-based pro bono opportunities available for attorneys, including ways to get involved and make a difference.
Event Photos
Allows users to view photo albums related to firm events, showcasing highlights and capturing moments from various activities.
Our People
Displays personal information and milestones of firm employees, such as achievements, anniversaries, and notable events, fostering a sense of community.
Resources and Policies
Offers easy access to firm resources and policies, including guidelines, handbooks, and other essential documents.
Timekeeper Activity
Shows a list of timekeepers and their activities related to specific clients or matters, providing transparency and tracking of work performed.
Tools & Links
Allows page admins to select, organize, and manage a set of links tailored to their group’s needs, customizing the intranet experience.
KPI Top Clients
Provides a graphical representation of the top 5 clients by dollars billed, offering insights into key client relationships and financial performance.
Top Matters
Displays the top matters worked on by attorneys for specific clients, highlighting significant cases and their associated work.
Visitors, Out of Office and Coverage
Lists office visitors and employees who are out of the office, including details about coverage and replacements, to manage availability and workflow.
Features wellness resources offered by the firm, including programs, initiatives, and support services aimed at promoting employee well-being.
Read News Page
Legal101 Read News Page
Read Page Header
Page title, displaying today's date and available filter options.
Read Menu
A navigation tool on the Read Page to help users filter announcements and events by Office, Practice, and Firm-Wide news.
What's Trending
Provides users with the ability to view the most popular and current trending news stories and announcements.
Firmwide Announcements
A comprehensive list of firmwide announcements that includes official communications, important organizational news, and scheduled activities or gatherings that are relevant to the entire firm.
Your {Office} Announcements
A detailed list of announcements that includes internal communications, relevant updates, and scheduled activities or gatherings pertinent to that particular office location.
Your {Practice} Announcements
A comprehensive list of announcements, news updates, and events related to specific practice areas that includes important communications, relevant updates, and scheduled activities or developments.
New Arrivals
A dedicated section showcasing new arrivals at the firm. This component features detailed profiles of newly hired employees helping staff familiarize themselves with the new team members.
User Profile Page
Legal101 Profile Page
User Profile Page Header
A user profile section that offers clear access to the target person's contact information.
Additional Information
Further details and relevant information about the target person, providing more context and background
Bar Admissions / Court Affiliations
A comprehensive list of bar admissions for the target person, detailing the jurisdictions and dates where they are licensed to practice law.
A detailed biography of the target person, encompassing their personal background, career milestones, significant achievements, and contributions to their field
Civic & Charitable Organizations
Information about the civic and charitable organizations with which the target person is actively involved.
An overview of the target person's educational background and qualifications, including degrees earned, institutions attended, and any specialized training or certifications they have completed.
Events - Person
Information about events in which the target person is involved, including their roles, dates, and any relevant contributions or activities.
Firm Committees
A list of firm committees to which the target person belongs, including their specific roles and contributions within each committee.
Industry Groups
A comprehensive list of industry groups related to the target person, detailing their memberships, affiliations, and active participation in each group.
Information about the target person's language capabilities, including the languages they speak and their proficiency levels in each.
News & Insights
Information on news stories in which the target user has been involved.
List of relevant Practice Groups associated with the target individual including various professional or specialized groups.
Professional memberships
Information on professional memberships associated with the target individual highlighting their professional affiliations and roles.
Support Team
Roster of Support Team Members which includes a comprehensive list of all team members who provide assistance or support to the target person.
Recently Worked Matters
A list of the five most recent matters handled by the target person, specifically the last five cases or projects to which they have recorded time.
Modernize your Firm Intranet with Legal101!

Why Law Firms choose Legal101?

Legal101’s features are designed to significantly enhance communication, collaboration, and efficiency within the firm, resulting in a more connected and informed workforce. By integrating a comprehensive suite of tools and resources, Legal101 ensures that employees have immediate access to vital information, streamlined processes, and interactive platforms. The Firm Directory and User Profile Pages facilitate seamless networking and collaboration, while the Advanced Search and Financial Dashboard features improve information retrieval and decision-making. The centralized Events Hub and Events Photos gallery promote engagement and community building, and the Resources and Policies repository ensures that all employees are well-informed of firm guidelines and best practices. Additionally,sections dedicated to DEI, wellness, and learning support personal and professional development, further strengthening the firm’s commitment to a supportive work environment. Overall, Legal101’s well-rounded features create a cohesive and efficient internal ecosystem, empowering employees to work more effectively and stay connected with the latest developments and resources within the firm.

  • Legal101 can be deployed on Microsoft 365 SharePoint Online/On-premises.

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